Friday, March 13, 2009

On Wednesday I told my staff that there was a mandatory Financial meeting at 1:30 sharp. I said it was urgent and every employee needed to attend. As soon as they all arrived in our training room, it was obvious that some of them were kind of concerned. I proceeded to tell them the following: "As most of you know the US economy is not doing well. In fact you could say it's in a bit of a pickle. I brought you all here today to tell you that because of your efforts and teamwork we are getting through it. it's not perfect but we're on track thanks to you guys" as the sigh of relief was visible througout the room I said "so to celebrate We brought everyone a frozen pickle juice popsicle". We all opened our pickle pops and tried them together.Some loved them and some hated them, but we had fun! It was just a goofy little gesture, but it was our way of saying thank you and living up to our mission statement: Help People, Make Friends, and Have Fun! I Love our employees.


Lagean Ellis said...

Don't guess I've ever heard of pickle pops.
I love pickles, dill, so I would try them. I guess, right now, it's still a northern thing. May take a while to get to Arkansas.

Anonymous said...

Ohh, what a 'sweet' ending to what have been a 'sour' ending!! Glad you are weathering the economic storm and your employees' and their familys are safe.