Sunday, April 25, 2010


I use this Fit 22 program to get healthy so I decided I would post it for everyone's benefit

1) Daily/ Read the Bible- I use a program from, it's for a computer, iPhone and iPad

2) Daily/ Relax and be joyful in all things- I tend to be high stressed. It's time to not get blown by every wind and take things as they come

3) Daily/ Pray and have at least 15 minutes of quiet time- I tend to do this in my car

4) Daily/ Give others money, time or sincere compliments- It doesn't take a lot for you to be a "giver" make it your mission to do it daily

5) Daily/ Use organic shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, soap, and laundry detergent- The toughest one on the list is the deodorant, but some brands actually work. This helps keep your home a healthy environment

6) Daily/ Set myself up for a good, healthy and rejuvenating sleep each night- For me this means relaxing and turning the TV off. It also helps to go to bed at about the same time and have a cool, dark room

7) Daily/ Drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day- Read the research, proper hydration is linked to a healthy weight, improved moods and even a longer life. I use an app on my iPhone called "Water Your Body"

8) Daily/ Drink a fresh extracted glass of diluted carrot juice daily- There is a huge rush of sugar in fresh carrot juice, so by diluting it you reduce the sugar but still benefit from the living enzymes in fresh vegetable juice
9) Daily/ Make a habit of lifetime learning- A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that their education ends at high school or college. Make it a point to devour personal development books and audio programs, take night classes, and learn, learn, learn

10) Daily/ Take a vitamin regimen of a whole food multi-vitamin, Fish oil, and CoQ10- with Supplements, a lot of times, you get what you pay for so buy quality products. Your health is worth it

11) Daily/ Do not eat white flour, white rice or refined sugar-stick with whole (preferably sprouted) grains, brown rice and use agave nectar as a sweetener.

12) Daily/ Eat organic and local when possible- This applies to fruits, vegetables and especially meats. Use meats that have not been pumped full of antibiotics and hormones

13) Daily/ Drink red wine in moderation- The heart healthy benefits are huge but turn harmful when drinking too much. 2 glasses max for most people

14) Daily/ Drink organic coffee and tea - Instead of drinking 5 cups of commercial grade coffees and teas just drink one or two cups of organic, high quality, specialty grade beverages. Once you taste the difference you'll never go back. Have fun experimenting with all the different blends and varieties of both coffee and tea
15) Daily/ Maintain Healthy Vitamin D Levels- We need the suns rays to create proper vitamin D in our bodies. If we don't get enough from the sun we should consider additional supplementation. Most people in the U.S. are vitamin D deficient. This can cause a whole range of health problems. Get tested by your Doctor and discuss options for raising and maintaining healthy levels of this much overlooked and very important vitamin

16) Daily/ Eat Super green food- There is a lot of green powders available at the health food store. There are tons of carotenoids, chlorophyll, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals packed into these green powders. I like Dr. Ben Kim's Organic Greens. I mix it with coconut water. The coconut water's slight sweetness makes the greens a lot more drinkable plus CW has a huge boost of potassium

17) Daily/ Jump on a mini Trampoline- do this 5 to 10 minutes a day. This has been proven to stimulate your lymph system

18) Bi-Weekly/ Use weights for strength training- strength training provides improvements in overall health including increased bone strength and muscle mass, and can even increase your good cholesterol

19) 4 days per week/ Get Cardio Exercise - Just 30 minutes of light to medium intensity cardiovascular exercise with do wonders for you health. This could be the treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical trainer, or my favorite the Rowing machine. I have recently discovered this and it just feels great!

20) Monthly/ Go to the Chiropractor- It's so important to make sure the structure of your body is working properly. I am not a person who claims Chiropractic is the "cure all" for everything. However it does have its place among a regimen of healthy habits. Making sure your spine is aligned properly will contribute massively to how you feel on a daily basis as well as your long term well being

21) Monthly/ Get a Message- Get a monthly massage from a qualified practitioner at least once a month. Get more if you can afford it. Use it as a time to "check out" and go into a total relaxed state. It's not only relaxing, but it stimulates your body’s release of toxins so drink plenty of water. Also don't put up with a crappy massage. There are all different styles and skill levels out there. Find yourself a good therapist and stick with them.

22) Weekly/ Take a Day Off- Even God took a day off after 6 days. With all of these Fit 22 principles moderation is the key. Take one day a week loosen up. Eat what you want, lay around a little, and give your self a break.

“So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.” A. J. Reb Materi

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Coffeemaverick’s Twitter Tips for Retailers

This is an excerpt from an article I wrote coming up in Fresh Cup Magazine, It's a story about social networking for coffee retailers. The article to be published talks about the future of social networking, success stories and ends with 11 tips. Here are the first 5. Basic stuff but often overlooked by retailers, coffee or otherwise

Twitter and other social networking is not the place to blatantly promote your products. It is the place to blatantly connect with people.

1. Always be three things:
Be interesting, funny and a little bit vulnerable. It’s important to come across as real. This is not a place to always be selling. You build your brand on Twitter, one tweet at a time by adding value, humor and a sense of real life to your followers.

2. Customize your background
Twitter has a several stock backgrounds available, but resist this easy way out. Use a photograph or logo of your business as your background. (For effective real life examples, go to this website:

3. Complete the bio section
There is a bio section on your Twitter page that allows 140 characters to tell your followers or prospective followers who you are and what you do. Make it count! Also include your website or Facebook fan page address in the space provided.

4. Use the right name in the rights spots
There are two spots to enter your name: one is your Twitter user name. The second is your real name, located above the bio. For example your Twitter user name would be @joecoffeeshack, but your real name would be Joe Johnson, or whoever is doing the tweets. This gives a sense of reality to your page. It tells the customer that there
is a real person behind your tweets and not a robotic computer.

5. Have a great profile picture
This is the picture that everyone sees next to your tweets, even when they’re not on your page. It can be a logo or a real photo of you. Don’t use a generic drink photos or clip art. They have no personality.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Seattle Magazine Dillanos Feature

February 2010
Branding a local coffee experience.
By Tim Newcomb

Creating a local coffee brand with high-quality roasts is crucial for independent coffee retailers, says David Morris, CEO of Sumner's Dillanos Coffee Roasters.

Morris decided to enter the world of roasting after quickly moving beyond the Buckley espresso cart he opened in 1992. Now, he creates branded "coffee experiences," which include roasts ranked in the top three nationally by Roast Magazine in the last four years. He says that melding traditional Italian roasting techniques with current technology "coaxes the finest flavors out of each bean."

Along with top-notch taste, Morris gives independents the support he never received. Dillanos offers brand coaching to all its clients (75 percent of its roasts are sold under the retailer's brand), which helps them create a local experience. "It is about the branding," he says. "How it looks, everything the customer touches, feels or sees. It's an overall experience, of which coffee is a part."

Dillanos has cashed in on being from Washington. Its clients are located in all 50 states, range from small stands to 160-store chains and include, locally, Pacific-based Big Foot Java, with more than 20 locations. Dillanos pulls in $20 million in annual revenues. Across the country, building an intensely local brand is the strategy to beating out the big boys.

But Morris isn't against Starbucks. He likes the stores and credits the company with opening the door for independents. "We are all riding the coattails of Starbucks," he says. However, his focus now is beating them, with branding and the "third wave" in coffee: high quality. "People are growing to love true specialty coffee," Morris explains. "Starbucks' quality has declined and allowed locals to compete."

Morris defines "quality" as a complex cup of coffee that gives customers "pause in their day." There is room for more independents that stress the local and quality coffee, he says. Those two things create success.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

21 keys in my business value statement

I for the life of me can't remember where I got this. I found it in an Evernote file . But I thought it was really cool and valuable. It says to "rob and copy it" so I did.I think I am going to change a few things and make it 22 keys (my favorite number) but in the meantime I wanted to post it. Also,if anyone know where its from let me know

Here’s the 21 keys in my business values statement:

1. I am a wealth creator, and attract money every day.

2. I am a thought leader.

3. I create a winning team. I’m careful about who rides on my business bus.

4. I love people and use money, and never get those two reversed.

5. Regarding my business associates, my job is to keep them in their greatness.

6. I speak positively of others, and defend those that are absent.

7. I am never cocky, needy, or greedy.

8. I work harder on myself than I do on my business.

9. I refuse to participate in financial downturns. I create my own economy.

10. My work environment is a “no drama” zone. No gossip, no whining.

11. I don’t “spend” time. I focus on the 20% that earns 80%

12. I am a master delegator and don’t waste time on triviality.

13. In tough times, I am the first to arrive and the last to leave.

14. I respect money and use it wisely. My business is fed, not bled.

15. I do not separate my business and religion. I live my religion through my business and am a shining light and good example to others.

16. I leverage my time and resources through effective use of technology.

17. I spend a lot of time with those that share my values, and little time with those that don’t.

18. I am strictly honest, and don’t steal in any way, including music, movies, and software. I am 100% trustworthy.

19. I add more to the marketplace than I take.

20. I am an example of charitable giving in both time and money.

21. I leave my work at work. At home I am 100% husband and dad.

I keep these above my desk on a huge sticky note, and review them every morning. As you can see, it’s personal to me, but I hope you get some good ideas from this for your own statement. Feel free to “Rob and Duplicate” all you want!

Friday, January 15, 2010